Gigabit Sponsor Scheme

# Lets get the wheels in motion.

  • Residents
  • Business

Full fibre networks are future proof. They can deliver the connection speeds we need – not only today but far into the future.

Demand for greater and greater digital connectivity around the home is set to accelerate: video and music streaming, cloud storage, video calling, online gaming and the sheer number of internet connected devices in the home will require faster and more reliable connectivity.

Good connection speeds also provide people with flexible working opportunities and contribute to an improved work/life balance and can be an important consideration when buying a property.

How to get involved in the scheme

If there are businesses and other residents in your area who want to install a gigabit-capable connection we can help as part of a group project led by bitstreme.

Am I eligible?

Totally up to yourself, do you want to champion the future of connectivity and work with a forward-thinking ISP that wants to do this?

As an example, a sponsored project consists of 5 properties at a minimum that what to work together to enhance their connectivity.

Full fibre networks are the future and getting ready for a gigabit speed is a key step for most businesses.

Demand for greater and greater digital connectivity is set to accelerate in future years and full fibre connections will be able to support that demand: Online business applications and internet-connected devices; cloud data storage, cyber security systems and back-ups; streamed services such as video and music; voice and video conferencing; and flexible working for employees with access to company systems.

If you are a small or medium sized business, you may be able to get a free connection as part of leading a sponsored project with bitstreme.

How to get involved in the scheme

All we ask is you help spread the word, once you have a group of users in your area bitstreme will be able to subsidise the cost of installing the connections.

Am I eligible?

Our scheme is available for small to medium-sized enterprises.

A small to medium-sized enterprise is defined as one that employs fewer than 250 people and has an annual turnover not exceeding €50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €43 million. This includes sole traders.

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